The Science of Setup: Part 3 - Weight Transfer
As you all know we are big fans of RC-Crew chief, it is a great tool to help understand how your car or truck performs on the track. This i...
As you all know we are big fans of RC-Crew chief, it is a great tool to help understand how your car or truck performs on the track. This is an ongoing series of articles written by its creator Bob Wright. You can download a free trial version of the software, and learn how to get the most out of your car when you take it to the track.
In the first two Episodes we laid the ground work by describing the physics and suspension properties behind setup. Now we are going to start looking at specific areas and show how to adjust and manipulate chassis settings to achieve desired handling characteristics. First up is “Weight Transfer” also referred to as “Balance”. This is how the Total Lateral Load Transfer (TLLT), discussed in Episode 1, is distributed between the front and rear of the car. It is one of the primary tools we have to adjust handling.
If you wish to follow along with the demos you can download RC3 here. The program will install in Trial Mode which means a few file management functions are disabled but otherwise it’s fully functional. All the on road and off road models that will be used in the demos are also preinstalled to make life easier.
For the previous part (No 2) Click here
The Science of Setup: Part 3 - Weight Transfer
By Bob Wright
If you wish to follow along with the demos you can download RC3 here. The program will install in Trial Mode which means a few file management functions are disabled but otherwise it’s fully functional. All the on road and off road models that will be used in the demos are also preinstalled to make life easier.
So let’s get started with Part 3 –Weight Transfer
For the previous part (No 2) Click here